Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Thanksgiving Letters - 36 years apart...

Hi, Guys!

In this Thanksgiving week, thought I'd share with you two letters written around Thanksgiving. The first, and its attachment, above, I sent while in command in Vietnam, November 1968. Click on them to enlarge. They were typed on a manual typewriter - yes, they actually existed in those days...

Much to my surprise, I found the file copies of them in the National Archives in 2004 while doing some research on my former unit. Note the small National Archives proofmark in the upper left corner. Hence, the second letter, below, published in November 2004 by the editors of The Pueblo Chieftain in Pueblo, Colorado.

11 November 2004

Letters to the Editor

Soldier Recall Pueblo Brownies Kindness in 1968

Dear Editors:

I am COL (USA Ret) Ken Carlson, writing from Fairfax, VA.

A few days ago, I was doing research on some battles my unit was in during my time in Vietnam, 1968-69.

At the National Archives II in College Park MD, I came across unit records that included the attached letter I wrote to the girls and leaders of Brownie Troop 198, Pueblo, Colorado.

I don't know if that troop still exists. However, if they do, I want the girls, now mothers and perhaps even grandmothers, to remember how much my men appreciated their thoughtfulness.

And also to know that their kindness and patriotism are now officially documented in the Archives of the United States, giving them a lasting place in American history.

This Thanksgiving, we still have soldiers a long way from home and under the stress of mortal combat. I hope that there are other Brownie Troop and similar organizations who have picked up the torch of support that their predecessors in Brownie Troop 198 carried so well.


Kenneth G. Carlson

COL (USA Ret.)

Fairfax, VA

As you can see, friends, Soldiers never forget those who remember them while they are in harm's way.

The Queen Vee joins me in the hope that you and yours have a joyous Thanksgiving.


The Dragonfly said...

I bet those little Brownie girls were so thrilled to receive this great thank you letter from you and the announcement that they were honorary members of your troop A.

How cute! And we love our men and women in the military. Here's praying for a safe Thanksgiving for all of them.

Apis Melliflora said...

A small measure of kindness can have such a large impact and make such a deep impression.

We all want to know that we are remembered and that others recognize the good we do. The brownies remembered and recognized you and you did the same. Heartwarming!

Tobi said...

Astounding and Awesome! I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing these letters with us.

Anonymous said...

Thank You and may you be surrounded by friends and family at this Thanksgiving and may the Queen have a safe journey home.

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for the story and being you. Is the brownie troop still around? I know my troop is not but some of the brownies I was with are still here and we keep in touch.